Emergency life support


4 hour (1/2 day) course.

This course is ideal for higher or advanced level hazards (e.g. construction, manufacturing or chemical plants) or where your needs assessment identifies a requirement to provide additional training, covering a broad syllabus including the recognition and treatment of a wider range of conditions.


Standard pricing
At our venue –  £25.00 (30.00 Inc. VAT) per person
At your venue – £180.00 (£216.00 Inc. VAT) per course

NCC & Contract Pricing
Please refer to your own company”s contracted price. For volunteers, charities and clubs please call for possible discounted rates. NCC information.


Emergency Life Support certificate;

HSE compliant under the Health and Safety (First-aid) Regulations 1981. Taught in accordance with current guidelines on adult basic life support published by the Resuscitation Council (UK), and for other aspects of first aid, in accordance with current guidelines published by the Voluntary Aid Societies and other published guidelines that are supported by a responsible body of medical opinion. The training and assessment will be delivered in accordance with currently accepted standards for first-aid practice and follow the skills for health assessment principles for first aid qualifications. This also meets the requirements of your own needs assessment.

Course Content

This course covers:
how to deal with an emergency
accident reporting
the skills to help someone who is:
unresponsive and breathing
unresponsive and not breathing
having a seizure.


This will be by ongoing assessment with both theory and practical sessions and conformation through knowledge checks to ensure all learning outcomes are met to the required standard.


Selected HSE first aiders should physically able to perform the relevant actions and techniques included in the syllabus. For reasonable adjustments for disabilities please contact VTS


For upcoming courses please contact us on 01603 327823 or click here